Violin by Andrea Schudtz, Cremona, 2010


Andrea Schudtz is a modern violin maker based in Cremona, the historical heart of violin making in the world.

This violin is rich and well-balanced, with lots of projection and power.


Andrea Schudtz Faciebat / Cremonae Anno 2010 (signed on left bottom area and logo on right bottom corner)


Back Length: 355mm / Upper Bout 165mm / Lower bout 202mm / String Length 324mm


Andrea Schudtz is a modern violin maker based in Cremona, the historical heart of violin making in the world.

This violin is rich and well-balanced, with lots of projection and power.


Andrea Schudtz Faciebat / Cremonae Anno 2010 (signed on left bottom area and logo on right bottom corner)


Back Length: 355mm / Upper Bout 165mm / Lower bout 202mm / String Length 324mm

Andrea Schudtz is a modern violin maker based in Cremona, the historical heart of violin making in the world.

This violin is rich and well-balanced, with lots of projection and power.


Andrea Schudtz Faciebat / Cremonae Anno 2010 (signed on left bottom area and logo on right bottom corner)


Back Length: 355mm / Upper Bout 165mm / Lower bout 202mm / String Length 324mm